Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Comments 4 Kids Mr. Brown's History Class
I love history!! In fact I was a history major before changing to mathematics. I may still minor in it because I find myself so intrigued by everything encompassing it. I was delighted by the Train Robbery clip I watched from Mr. Brown's class (wk 5). This was a silent movie from a nickelodeon circa 1903. It was incredible to see how much production, sets and general attention to detail has changed, not to mention WORDS!! These films are neat, I think, and actually require the viewer to pay attention to the details and concept of what's being presented. It also enabled to viewer to use some of their imagination to fill in the blanks of what wasn't being presented by words. The music is mood provoking and gives you a great sense of emotion regarding what is going on in the film. Movies today still have music, but it's not nearly as noticeable or emotional now as it was then.
Comments 4 Kids Mr McClung's Class
This video I viewed (wk4) was a demonstrative video by Mr. McClung and one of his students. As Mr. McClung narrated the student demonstrated the art and ability of tying a tie. I really wish I had this video to view about ten years ago!! This talent is one that seems minuscule however, it is one that will be essential throughout life whether you're a boy or a girl. I know there were many times I could have used the knowledge presented, not only for myself, but for my boyfriends that had no knowledge either. It can come in extremely handy for job interviews, simply dressing up, dressing in costume, or just for the heck of wearing a tie. I think it's awesome how Mr. McClung implemented a day of the week to wear ties as a way to reiterate what the students have learned and to apply the knowledge!
Teacher Networking on Facebook
As the world becomes more of a computer based society, so too do the addictions. I am a very social person, however due to my school, work, and study schedule, I find it hard to network and socialize as much as I'd like. With this being said I now bring to you the birth of my current addiction of choice... Facebook. This isn't an overview or a like or dislike discussion about the site, but rather a post about an interesting page I found while exploring. There is a forum page available to join called Hip Classroom. This page is really just a group discussion area amongst teachers to relate to one another questions, concerns, likes, and dislikes toward teaching. The teachers that have joined seem to be from all over the world. Discussion topics range anywhere from suggestions on how to discipline out of control students, to dealing with lack of sleep, and even Smartboard and Promethean Activ board help. I think this is great that a forum is available on such a popular networking site such as Facebook. While browsing, it seems to be very useful among those that have partaken in posts and comments. I have joined the group myself and look forward to finding more areas like this one to enhance my ability as a future educator!
Hip Classroom on Facebook
Hip Classroom on Facebook
Comments 4 Kids- Ms. Deyenberg's Class
My assignment for this week (wk3) was to listen to the first podcast created by Ms. Deyenberg's fifth grade class. The podcast began with some snazzy music. All the students took turns commenting on something they were looking forward to during the school year. Many were on the quiet side, however it's to be expected as this was their first experience creating a podcast. Overall, I think Ms. Deyenberg should be very proud of herself and her students. They did a wonderful job with the creation and editing of their first podcast.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Viewing for all young girls
This video I came across was not a required post for this class. I, however, think that it's pertinent in the society we have become that all young girls are aware of this video. I believed I had knowledge of how much the fashion industry had distorted our view of beauty, but I was seriously taken aback when I viewed this video. It's tragic that we've become a society based solely on looks and have lost the ability to actually see a person for who they are inside. It's no wonder the self esteem of America's young ladies is so troubled and weight issues are well on the rise. Perhaps many young ladies will benefit from the making of this video and regain the self esteem and confidence they deserve to view within themselves.
A must see video for all young ladies!!
A must see video for all young ladies!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
'The Last Lecture'
This assignment is probably one of the hardest, emotionally, that I have had to complete. My father passed away from lung cancer April 15 of this year and this lecture and Randy's book was the epitome of how he wanted us to live our lives after he was gone. My parents sent me Randy's book last year and said I should read it on the plane before I got there. It was my first visit back to Illinois after we found out Dad's diagnosis. I read the entire book on the plane (the first quarter of it in the Pensacola airport at 4am by the light of my cell phone) and found that I couldn't put it down. It was moving, inspirational, heartbreaking, and hilarious all at the same time. I found myself sitting there laughing and crying with mascara smeared down my cheeks and a nose that I couldn't get to stop running.
In his lecture, Randy talks about the use of the 'head fake.' This symbolism is probably the most clever and usable technique. By showing those you look to teach what you would like them to learn, but in a form that they want to experience it becomes a win win situation. You end up getting your point across, knowledge is achieved and they didn't even realize it happened yet all who are involved are aware of what just happened- at the end. Teaching, and life as well, isn't about what you are saying but how you say it. He brings up a very good point when discussing this topic as well. It plays into the 'head fake' technique but in a wording sense instead of a physical.
Randy brings up some key points to incorporate in life and teaching I believe as well. Have fun! Life should always be about having a good time. Those students and people in general that are having fun are better receptacles to the learning process and just being social in general. It allows you to be more open minded and creative overall. Help others! This life is not about number one. There are a million other people on the planet and if we all just gave a little everyone and everything would be so much better off. Believe! Believe in other people, in your students. To know that someone truly believes in you can make all the difference in the world to that person. It may not seem like it's that huge to you that you believe in them, but to that person it may mean the world. And you may change their life because of it.
He brings up brick walls multiple times in his lecture. I believe this is for a reason. In the beginning he states they're there so we can prove how badly we want things. Towards the end, however, he brings it up again. It kind of mirrors life. You aren't just going to hit one brick wall, so when you hit the first one- he states the reason being, prove what you want. When life comes around with the second, third, fourth etc- REMEMBER! Be dedicated, prove that you want it!
At the end Randy gives a lot of key points to use in life that again spill over into his teaching methods. He states to do the right thing and good things will follow. Throughout his life he appears to be an honest and hardworking individual that made mistakes, learned from them and moved on. His life has been tremendously blessed because he did right by others and didn't live his life selfishly. Cherish the feedback you get from others and actually use it. People who truly care about you and your success don't say things to hinder you, but to help you. Gratitude is probably one of the most overlooked virtues one can possess. An acknowledgement of something done well or just saying how thankful you are and that you appreciate someone or something is the simplest, yet most tremendous, thing you can do to effect another person. This is hard for many people to do. When you can overcome your own pride and show more gratitude you see the world in a whole other light and you'll begin to see how your change effects those around you. He states to not complain but work harder. This is so true. No one is going to give you a handout. Complaining is not going to get anything accomplished, but hard work, sweat, perseverance, determination, now that will get you somewhere. Become valuable by being good at something. We all have talents and in finding those talents, and using/harnessing them, we find 'the gold at the bottom of all the crap.'
Overall, I think the most valuable thing he points out is to find the best in everyone. It doesn't matter how long it takes or how bad of a person they are, but to keep in mind everyone has something good inside of them. When you're frustrated with someone or can't understand them this is a great outlook. We all have good attributes but sometimes they get clouded or we become mislead and simply need time to find our way back. By keeping in mind that everyone has something good to offer is a very optimistic way to relate to people and at the same time believe in them without even knowing you were doing it.
Papa, this one was for you. And, yes, we're trying.
In his lecture, Randy talks about the use of the 'head fake.' This symbolism is probably the most clever and usable technique. By showing those you look to teach what you would like them to learn, but in a form that they want to experience it becomes a win win situation. You end up getting your point across, knowledge is achieved and they didn't even realize it happened yet all who are involved are aware of what just happened- at the end. Teaching, and life as well, isn't about what you are saying but how you say it. He brings up a very good point when discussing this topic as well. It plays into the 'head fake' technique but in a wording sense instead of a physical.
Randy brings up some key points to incorporate in life and teaching I believe as well. Have fun! Life should always be about having a good time. Those students and people in general that are having fun are better receptacles to the learning process and just being social in general. It allows you to be more open minded and creative overall. Help others! This life is not about number one. There are a million other people on the planet and if we all just gave a little everyone and everything would be so much better off. Believe! Believe in other people, in your students. To know that someone truly believes in you can make all the difference in the world to that person. It may not seem like it's that huge to you that you believe in them, but to that person it may mean the world. And you may change their life because of it.
He brings up brick walls multiple times in his lecture. I believe this is for a reason. In the beginning he states they're there so we can prove how badly we want things. Towards the end, however, he brings it up again. It kind of mirrors life. You aren't just going to hit one brick wall, so when you hit the first one- he states the reason being, prove what you want. When life comes around with the second, third, fourth etc- REMEMBER! Be dedicated, prove that you want it!
At the end Randy gives a lot of key points to use in life that again spill over into his teaching methods. He states to do the right thing and good things will follow. Throughout his life he appears to be an honest and hardworking individual that made mistakes, learned from them and moved on. His life has been tremendously blessed because he did right by others and didn't live his life selfishly. Cherish the feedback you get from others and actually use it. People who truly care about you and your success don't say things to hinder you, but to help you. Gratitude is probably one of the most overlooked virtues one can possess. An acknowledgement of something done well or just saying how thankful you are and that you appreciate someone or something is the simplest, yet most tremendous, thing you can do to effect another person. This is hard for many people to do. When you can overcome your own pride and show more gratitude you see the world in a whole other light and you'll begin to see how your change effects those around you. He states to not complain but work harder. This is so true. No one is going to give you a handout. Complaining is not going to get anything accomplished, but hard work, sweat, perseverance, determination, now that will get you somewhere. Become valuable by being good at something. We all have talents and in finding those talents, and using/harnessing them, we find 'the gold at the bottom of all the crap.'
Overall, I think the most valuable thing he points out is to find the best in everyone. It doesn't matter how long it takes or how bad of a person they are, but to keep in mind everyone has something good inside of them. When you're frustrated with someone or can't understand them this is a great outlook. We all have good attributes but sometimes they get clouded or we become mislead and simply need time to find our way back. By keeping in mind that everyone has something good to offer is a very optimistic way to relate to people and at the same time believe in them without even knowing you were doing it.
Papa, this one was for you. And, yes, we're trying.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Ms. Deyenberg's Class Blog
The blog I commented on was a podcast by Ms. Deyenberg's class in Alberta, Canada. This podcast was her student's first and as expected most were shy and quiet. They jazzed it up a bit by having some music as the intro and again at the very end to close. The podcast was simple, they only stated what they were looking forward to during the school year. This is definitely a start! I think it's awesome to start children out with technology at such a young age. Their brains catch onto it much more quickly and they will be able to keep up on their own once they have a basis to build from like the foundation Ms. Deyenberg is laying out!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
These podcasts are very informal. You kinda feel like you're just hanging out and not that you're there to necessarily learn something. This is a good thing to me as it makes you more comfortable and doesn't bore you while watching. It's also cool that you can connect about something through so many people over such a distance.
Kidcast: This was neat because kids were actually doing it. In a day when most adults aren't aware of technology their children have the skills to create and share podcasts.
David Warlick: This goes back to what I said earlier... So many people are connecting about a topic and are so far away from each other. This helps to create a forum for endless brainstorming and idea searching that wasn't available before. There's no longer a need to plan a meeting and wonder if everyone can attend. The opportunity is available the get together on a whim and have a never ending collision of ideas and creation.
The other podcasts dealt with ways to help you professionally. This is so beneficial as it opens a whole new operative for a person to better themselves. You no longer have to take a class or shell out money to be taught a skill or improve on a personality feature. All you have to do now is have the motivation to learn and click a few buttons to find a never ending plethora of information!!
Kidcast: This was neat because kids were actually doing it. In a day when most adults aren't aware of technology their children have the skills to create and share podcasts.
David Warlick: This goes back to what I said earlier... So many people are connecting about a topic and are so far away from each other. This helps to create a forum for endless brainstorming and idea searching that wasn't available before. There's no longer a need to plan a meeting and wonder if everyone can attend. The opportunity is available the get together on a whim and have a never ending collision of ideas and creation.
The other podcasts dealt with ways to help you professionally. This is so beneficial as it opens a whole new operative for a person to better themselves. You no longer have to take a class or shell out money to be taught a skill or improve on a personality feature. All you have to do now is have the motivation to learn and click a few buttons to find a never ending plethora of information!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Vicki Davis
I like that this video shows how Mrs. Davis has overcome the obstacles of her small town. She has still found ways to educate her students and connect them with the world despite what others may think is available to her. I wish I would have had the opportunities available as I was growing up that she is offering her students. My school was much larger, however we only had one room that offered computers and there were not enough available for the entire class. The fact that each of her students can participate in class with one is applaudable.
I also think it's neat that her video is available to so many. The list of language options was amazing. It's great to know that the world is connecting on a whole other level.
I also think it's neat that her video is available to so many. The list of language options was amazing. It's great to know that the world is connecting on a whole other level.
Sir Ken Robinson
I like the points that Mr. Robinson brings forth about the creative side of education. The arts are the first things cut out of schools when the budget comes into play. Then on top of it to insist that a child be right all the time instead of learning from mistakes is rediculous. The confidence and creativity of a person is killed slowly throughout their way through school as the insistance on being correct at all costs becomes more apparent. Free thinking is little to non-existant by the time the child is an adult. I also believe that the incorporation of the arts along with the standard educating tools helps to create a well rounded and spirited person, not a person who just goes along with the crowd.
Mr. Winkle Wakes
I love this video. The fact that it's in cartoon form helps it to relate to almost anyone. Even children can relate and understand the concept of the world changing and the need to be a part of the change. It makes you aware that you can't just sit around and let the world pass you by or you will become lost. The fact that the school system is the only thing that hasn't changed is disturbing. There is so much available to teach and learn. Why schools and educators are not taking advantage of it is alarming and it is something I hope to change as a future educator. The United States cannot get their students ahead in the world if they're starting them off behind in the first place.
Did you know 3.0
I think this video poses a great concept to get your eyes open and thinking about the world around you. It makes it known that it's imperative to stay up on advances not only technology, but the world around us. I like that it points out how much things have changed since the 1800's and even before. Sometimes you don't realize how much and how fast technology and the world around you is changing until you take a look into the past. It's also interesting to see how fast the English language is growing and that it seems everyone is trying to get on the same page in a way. I also thought the fact about the honors kids in India was interesting, if not alarming when compared to the kids in the United States.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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