Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Teacher Networking on Facebook

As the world becomes more of a computer based society, so too do the addictions. I am a very social person, however due to my school, work, and study schedule, I find it hard to network and socialize as much as I'd like. With this being said I now bring to you the birth of my current addiction of choice... Facebook. This isn't an overview or a like or dislike discussion about the site, but rather a post about an interesting page I found while exploring. There is a forum page available to join called Hip Classroom. This page is really just a group discussion area amongst teachers to relate to one another questions, concerns, likes, and dislikes toward teaching. The teachers that have joined seem to be from all over the world. Discussion topics range anywhere from suggestions on how to discipline out of control students, to dealing with lack of sleep, and even Smartboard and Promethean Activ board help. I think this is great that a forum is available on such a popular networking site such as Facebook. While browsing, it seems to be very useful among those that have partaken in posts and comments. I have joined the group myself and look forward to finding more areas like this one to enhance my ability as a future educator!

Hip Classroom on Facebook


  1. I checked out Hip Classroom on Facebook. Thanks for posting the link.
